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When an WHO adviser suggested several early monkeypox cases might be linked to a massive Pride event held in the Spanish Canary Islands resort of Maspalomas, it made headlines at home and abroad.Ī local newspaper recognised the risk that the cases could spark a homophobic backlash, but suggested the organisers were 'irresponsible' for not having issued a statement immediately after the outbreak came to light.

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The monkeypox cases come as Europe prepares to host about 750 Pride events this summer, prompting debate about how to stem infections without whipping up anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment.

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But for Europe's LGBTQ+ community, the emergence of a disease that is so far disproportionately affecting gay and bisexual men has recalled the HIV epidemic in the 1980s and raised fears that the community could be stigmatised over the outbreak. Louis told the Thomson Reuters Foundation he contracted the virus after having sex at a private party in Berlin.

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As a precaution, the WHO has advised monkeypox patients to use condoms for 12 weeks after their recovery.Ī survey of 152 monkeypox patients in England showed 99% identified as men who have sex with men, Britain's Health Security Agency said.

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